Don’t Die from Embarrassment!

Don’t Die from Embarrassment!

Every now and then, if you’re really fortunate, you get to meet someone like Phil Lawler. Phil was special. He was one of those individuals that make you think, “Wow, how blessed I am to count this incredible man as my friend!” I met Phil in the early 2000s when I was...
Here Comes the Tsunami

Here Comes the Tsunami

There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics. Mark Twain often gets credit for that statement although it most likely originated in England in the late 1800s. Regardless, the takeaway is simple, statistics can often be manipulated to support or...
Just a Reminder

Just a Reminder

I have a friend, Kathy Duran-Thal, who is a dietician in Dallas. She loves to say that, “Your feet cannot outrun your mouth.” In other words, it takes a whole lot of exercise to burn all the calories you can eat in just a matter of minutes. I was reminded of that last...


When it comes to the health of our country, Chicken Little was right…the sky IS falling! While healthcare and the Affordable Care Act dominate the headlines it seems that actual health gets very little attention. In June the American Diabetes Association released new...
A Little Pep Talk

A Little Pep Talk

(Note…this is intended to be more motivational than informational.  If you need some “fuel” for your “fire” I hope this helps). Yes, that’s a selfie.  Never thought I would post a selfie, but hey, I also never thought I’d have a website either. Sunday afternoon I went...