WOW!!!  These Numbers Can’t be Right, or Can They?

WOW!!! These Numbers Can’t be Right, or Can They?

On December 2nd , 2010 the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services unveiled Healthy People 2020…an initiative “committed to improving the quality of our Nation’s health by producing a framework for public health prevention priorities and actions.” One of those...
What’s It Take To Be Happy & Healthy?

What’s It Take To Be Happy & Healthy?

Todd joins Dr. Jim Largent on his popular podcast to discuss a variety of health-related topics including the key predictors of future performance, how to be “optimal” vs. “sufficient” and the secret to sustainable weight loss.
“Time” is Not the Problem!

“Time” is Not the Problem!

I love having “what if” discussions with my good friend and colleague, Tim Church.  Tim has lots of initials after his name (M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H.), and he rarely lacks for an opinion, so our discussions often become fairly spirited debates.  Here’s an example, “What if...
What You Got?

What You Got?

The third stage of the recently concluded Tour de France, the most demanding, over-the-top, bike race in the world, was a Team Time Trial, where up to eight members of the same team work together to basically endure an all-out sprint covering, in this case, 35.5...
Is it Time to Rebalance Your PA Portfolio?

Is it Time to Rebalance Your PA Portfolio?

Your first question is probably what in the heck is “PA”?  In research publications, for simplicity, PA stands for physical activity.  PA is not necessarily the same as “exercise.”  Think of exercise as a dedicated bout of movement…i.e. going for a run, a...